As agreed upon between the company and the members the collective agreement has benefits negotiated and a summary of the provided coverage can be accessed here.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.
Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Committee (CC-PAC)
We all encounter challenging moments in life. Often, we can handle them independently, yet there are times when these challenges start affecting our happiness both at home and in our professional lives.
Recognizing early warning signs, like changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, withdrawal from loved ones, or increased absenteeism from work, can be crucial.
That’s where the Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Committee (CC-PAC) steps in. This confidential and free service is available to Members and their dependents. Designed to provide support to those navigating tough times and seeking guidance to find the right resources for their challenges.
Our goal is prevention. We urge you to reach out for assistance before any issues start affecting your job performance. Seeking help is entirely your choice, and we assure you a safe and confidential space. Our team, comprising your peers from the Cabin Crew Peer Assistance Committee, are here for you. Trained volunteers who understand the unique pressures of our work, we are ready to support you through your difficulties and connect you with the right resources.
Whether it’s work-related stress, anger management, depression, anxiety, or other personal challenges like grief, separation, aging parents, or addiction, we’re here to assist. Just a phone call away, let us help you find the support you need.
Vancouver Contacts:
TELUS Health (Confidential, free, counselling) 24/7/365
Call: 1-833-754-3884
Please note: Your Air Canada email address is needed to Log in.
YVR Employee Peer Office
EAP Cell: 778-991-4112
Western Regional Coordinator
Vicki Jensen
National Coordinator
Vanessa Beaudoin-Gregoire
YVR Peer Support Members
Li Chang
(672) 513-1793
José Antonio
(604) 739-7339
Deborah Florczak
(604) 833-1447
Shannon McBride
(778) 834-0426
Tiana Marcotte
(604) 290-7900
Rae Cheng
Chantal Minten
(778) 875-0810
Jennifer Burgie
(647) 924-5454
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, please talk to a member of the executive.
Click here for Legal Rest Periods and Meal Information
Please report to the Company and the union if you are unable to complete service and/ or schedule sufficient crew rest on long range flights. Please give us a schedule of how long the service took and and any further details on flight, such as equipment failures that prolonged service, turbulence, passenger issues, medicals, crew complement, etc.
Under the terms of the Collective Agreement you are entitled to an additional 30 minutes crew rest on board LOU18 & 22 flights only. (See LOU 60 for detailed contract language)
Scheduled flight over 11:30 are entitled to 2 hours onboard crew rest
LOU 18 flights:
duty periods under 14h59 are entitled to 2 ½ hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 15 hrs to 16h15 are entitled to 4 hrs.
LOU 22A flights:
duty periods from 16h16 -17h10 are entitled to 4 hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 17h11 – 18h00 are entitled to 4 ½ hrs
LOU 22B flights:
duty periods from 18h01 – 18hr45 are entitled to 5 hrs onboard crew rest
duty periods from 18h46 – 19h30 are entitled to 5 1/2 hrs
Meal breaks are to be taken separately from the on board crew rest.
To access and provide feedback regarding any and all instances that make your hotel stay unpleasant, please ensure to report on the Crew Care dashboard
Log Into ACAeronet> In-Flight Service > Crew Scheduling & Planning > Crew Care OR Expense Claims
Grievance Documents
The purpose of a Grievors statement is to note full details of an incident in writing.
Details including dates, times, places, names of individuals involved and all other facts relating to the case. The answering of the who, what, where, when and why.
Try to put statements in the form of quotes, focusing on factual events rather than perspective of what ‘he said/she said’. Ensure to sign and date this statement, as well as provide any relevant documentation regarding the incident.
Please note a grievors statement is essential in order to proceed with the grievance.
All pay claims regarding the incorrect awarding of open flights must be filed within fourteen (14) days of scheduled departure (B7.06). All other pay claims must be submitted within fourteen (14) days of your becoming aware of the error. If you file a claim, the sixty (60) day time limits (Article 13.02) start to run as of the date that you receive the Company’s response to your claim.
Note 1: If you do not receive a response from the Company within thirty (30) days of filing a pay claim, file a grievance. If you do not file a pay claim, the sixty (60) day time limits (Article 13.02) start to run out as of the date that you become aware of the alleged error.
Note 2: The time limits found in Article 13.02 do not include Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
Meal allowance grievances are handled through a separate dispute resolution process and the time limits for filing those claims is twelve (12) months from the date of underpayment.
If you believe there has been a violation of your rights under the Collective Agreement and you are unable to resolve it with a supervisor, you have sixty (60) days (excluding weekends and statutory holidays) to file a grievance. Grievances that are not filed within the above timelines run the risk of being dismissed by the Arbitrators.
One of the biggest reasons grievances fail or get dismissed is lack of evidence. It’s absolutely essential to provide the Union with all of the facts, information and documents related to the incident in order for the Union to investigate your claim. If sufficient evidence is not provided, we may not be able to reasonably file a grievance on your behalf.The Union does not always have access to all the information we need to defend your rights, so we rely on you to bring it to us. Examples of evidence that we need you to bring to the Local office may include :
Please keep a copy of all documents that you provide to your Local Union Office or the Company. What do I do if I disagree with Crew Scheduling about my rights? Explain your right and quote the applicable article from the Collective Agreement. Request that the crew scheduler abide by the Collective Agreement. Always write down the date, time and name of the Company representative. If unable to agree, cabin personnel are required to work now, grieve later.
Please keep in mind that Crew Scheduling is not the final authority on the Collective Agreement, and your Union representatives will address all violations with management.
What do I do if I get in trouble with the Company? (Art. 14.05)If you become aware of any disciplinary measures being levied against you by the Company (including but not limited to a letter of reprimand / suspension / discharge) you must notify us so that we can file a grievance within ten (10) days of receiving the Company’s decision, excluding weekends and statutory holidays.
Grievances are filed at your Local Union Office with the help of your Local Officers. REMEMBER: You have the right to Union representation in all meetings with Management.Know your rights!
When it comes to your health and Safety, you have the…
1. Right to know
2. Right to participate
3. Right to refuse unsafe work
Canada Labour Code Part II
Duties of Employers
124 Every Employer shall ensure that the health and safety at work of every person employed by the employer is protected.
Duties of Employees
126(1) (g) While at work, every emmployee shall report to the employer any thing or circumstance in a work place that is likely to be hazardous to the health or safety of the employer, or that of the other employees of other persons granted access to the work place by the employer.
Occupational Health and Safety Documents
You can access all electronic forms at ACAeronet > In- Flight Service > Crew Scheduling & Planning > eForms
Important information for women who are or may be planning to conceive
Air Canada’s retirement programs structure contains numerous pension plans. Amongst these plans, there are different types of arrangements, namely the three of which that directly impact our in flight full time SD and FA members.
1. One is the Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Plan, in which members that were hired before November 7th 2011 would have had the opportunity to join and contribute.
2. Members hired after November 7th 2011 are a part of Hybrid Pension Plan – (Part DB and Part DC)
3. We also have our Rouge flow through members who maintain their Rouge pension throughout their career, regardless of flowing through. That said, Rouge pensions follow suit with regards to joining a Hybrid pension plan on and after November 7th 2011.
DB – Alight (English) 1-855-354-6944
Hybrid DC – Manulife (English) 1-888-727-7766
DB – Alight (French) 1-855-354-6943
Hybrid DC – Manulife (French) 1-888-388-3288
Taking a leave of absence? Don’t ignore how it can impact your retirement.
After a leave of absence, members have 90 days to buyback their pension from the date they return to duty.
Did you know?
DOT (Duty Over Time) is indeed considered pensionable income as it goes towards ones monthly limitations, as does CDD (Continuous Duty Day).
In the pay system, the DOT earning code is G2K – Grd Duty Svc To Psgr and the CDD earning code is G2E – Duty Extension Premium.
Both of such codings are considered pensionable earnings.
Navigate your pension plan by visiting the plan’s website through HR Connex. It is important to review your annual pension statements, the pension plan handbook and ask for help if you don’t understand it.
Pension estimates can be done through the ACAeronet portal Aeronet address: https://acaeronet.aircanada.caSign into Aeronet:
1. Select My HR from the tool bar at the top of the page
2. On the left side of the page in the My Pension section, select Information and Tools
3. Select Define Benefit to do the calculations. Chose Retirement Planner for self guided planning exercise
4. Select the first sentence Click here to view your pension information hypertext
5. Several options for plan information, form & calculations. Choose Tools for calculations
6. Options for Short Term (within 4 months) or Long Term calculations
7. You can run different retirement dates. Different pension amounts and options will be displayed as applicable.These different scenarios can be saved for later viewing.We encourage all pension plan members to use this guide to access your pension plan details and familiarize yourself with your greatest benefit. The more information and knowledgeable each of us have, the more prepared you will be to make decision about your pension.All pension inquiries are now handled by Mercer call center representatives.The contact is 1 800-645-5000 or
Wage Indemnity Plan (WIP) Claim Forms and Return to Work Process
WIP Information in Detail
If you have any questions about your claim, your benefits, or would like any information about WIP, please contact:
1-800-663-7849 (Long Distance)
FAX: 1-416-234-2071
2) Patricia Eberley
Chair, Administrative Consultant | Air Canada Component of CUPE – Wage Indemnity Program