9 Non-Functional Testing Cases of Mobile Apps

The term “non-functional testing” refers to testing those aspects of a software application, that may not be connected with a defined user action or function (for example, security, scalability, behavior).

So, let’s go through some of the features of an app that aren’t related to functionality:

Therefore, discussing the non-functional testing techniques that address these aspects is important.

Non-functional Testing of Mobile Apps

Mobile App Performance testing: Assesses the overall system performance, a process that involves measuring system response time, and measuring the response time of the crucial app elements. It can also be carried out as part of system testing as well as integration testing.

Stress testing: Validates the system performance in the context of scarce resources, which involves running tests on low storage/memory configurations to identify bugs that may be undetectable in normal circumstances. It also validates the app consistency when a number of users are executing the same action with the same data set and many client machines are connected to a number of servers, all subjected to varying degrees of system stress.

Load testing: Measures performance in scenarios of normal usage, repeated with a number of users to assess the consistency of the app response times. This should ideally be carried out at specified, customized, dedicated servers that closely simulate the real-world environment and expected usage scenarios.

Volume testing: Judges performance in the context of enormous amounts of data, involving an identification of where exactly the app fails and at what volume of data the system cannot continue running. A database is also created at the largest size possible, and many client queries are fed into the system to test how the app handles this kind of volume.

Usability testing: Basically, to assess user-friendliness, GUI consistency, error reportage, and correct output in line with the business-specified requirements.

UI testing: Issues addressed here include layout, data movement from one page to another, and pop-ups for assistance if the system concludes that a user needs guidance.

Recovery testing: Validates if the app shuts down during failure without glitches and without affecting the system, and the data is not lost. Such testing involves premature interruption or termination of data processes, manual dismantling of database keys and fields, as well as even turning off routers, servers and disconnecting the wires to assess the effectiveness of the app recovery when all the systems are rebooted.

Compatibility testing: Checks overall compatibility with a range of operating systems, browsers, and devices at varying strengths of configuration. Also has to ensure that the test cases executed in functional testing are the same ones used here.

Instability testing: Checks the smoothness of installs and uninstalls and confirms that the app behavior remains steady if the disk space is limited. Also confirms whether all the app components are correctly installed and that updates occur at the designated intervals.

Documentation testing: Confirms the presence of guides, instructions, read-me, online assistance, release notes, etc., as part of the app package.


Inferring from all the above points, it is therefore very important to consider the indispensability of non-functional testing procedures, including mobile app performance testing and non-functional test cases for mobile app development. This requires a concerted strategy from the outset (incorporating NFT requirements in the initial testing plans). The objective for all QA teams should be to extend their coverage, to include all the non-functional aspects of their mobile app, to ensure that their end-product reflects their organization’s commitment to excellence and of course, their loyal customer base.

Cigniti Technologies Mobile testing services include Mobile device testing, Application testing, Functional and Non-functional testing, including Mobile App Performance testing, and non-functional test cases for mobile applications. This helps Enterprises and ISVs to release their products with accelerated time to market, generates quicker ROI & brings a better brand reputation. To know more about our Mobile testing services, contact us today.

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