If you are an ASAP student at another college contact your current ASAP advisor for information on internal ASAP-to-ASAP program transfer. Do not submit the BMCC ASAP application.
Students who were previously in ASAP at BMCC and are interested in returning to the program must contact their ASAP advisor for information on the return process. If you are unable to contact your advisor, contact Kristin Bennett, Associate Director of Advisement, at kbennett@bmcc.cuny.edu. Returning students should not submit a BMCC ASAP application. This application should only be used if a student is new to the program.
Students who are in ASAP at another CUNY college and wish to transfer to ASAP at BMCC must work with their ASAP advisor to submit an Intra-ASAP Transfer Request. The Fall Semester deadline is July 31st and the Spring Semester deadline is January 25th. ASAP-to-ASAP transfer students should not submit a regular BMCC ASAP application. This application should only be used if a student is new to the program. Please be advised that all Intra-ASAP transfer requests must be approved by the new ASAP college. Decisions will be made prior to the start of the semester.